Weeds and plants will consume 3 units of water per day per plant. Thirst will gradually climb to it reaches 100% then look for a water source, if your plants are over 100% in thirst it will also produce no seed, bud or harvests. If your plant reaches 300% it will die and cannot be revived. Water cans can be placed anywhere within 10 meters from your weeds and they will drink from any water can within that range on that group. water is free and water cans can be obtained by clicking on the water tap at the Weeds store.
Clicking the range button will show a particle effects circle at 10 meters. The effect will time out after 25 seconds. The owner of the water can, can now hide the text and will re appear in red if the water is low ,10 units of water or lower in the water can.

Water tanks hold up to 500 of water and will refill all water cans on your region or parcel if on the same group, as the water cans re fill, the water tanks will slowly empty. Irrigation and solar power can be used to refill water tanks.

The irrigation pump provides water and refills any water tanks on the same group region wide, for the pump to work correctly it uses
power from solar panels, the pump must be above 5kW to function, one solar panel is usually enough for one irrigation pump.