The Extractor turns your harvested buds into cannabis oil, The oil can then be consumed or used as a ingredient to create other products.
Bud Harvests come from un-pollinated female weeds and can either be dried using the bud dryer or the oil can be extracted from the freshly harvested bud using the oil extractor.
Usage: Rez a bottle of lighter fluid next to the oil extractor, click <SEARCH> on the menu and load it.
The lighter fluid and bud harvests must be all on the same group.
Then rez your harvested bud buckets on the ground next to the oil extractor, click the bucket and choose load from the menu.

You must load 7 buckets of harvested bud into the oil extractor to start the process, click start when done. when the float text reaches 100% your cannabis oil is ready to be collected. It will take 3 days to extract the oil, choose deliver and accept your product. Your cannabis oil is ready to use.