Fish traps provide buckets of fish scrap and fresh seafood every 4 to 6 hours that can be used to either create fertilizer or cook on the barbecue. You must wear the [Weeds] HUD for communications, an icon will appear in the HUD when something is trapped, you have 15 minutes to collect your catch.
Whats new in Version 3.3
Trash has now been included, your fish trap will catch trash randomly, trash can be anything from a bottle of fertilizer , an old boot or a rare ingredient.
Activation of Seafood
When you collect your catch it will need to be activated by the fish trap. Rez your catch as close as possible to the trap to activate it. if you don’t activate your seafood catch the product will not work. (15 meters)
Seafood will need to be kept fresh. The freshness will start at 100% and drop to zero over 7 days, then the product expires and cant be used, You can make hemp sacks to store your seafood catch and stop the expiry process, hemp sacks will hold 25 of the same catch, and have 5 uses on them if they become empty.
The fish trap requires bait to operate. You can use worms that are captured at the worm farm, alternatively you can use bread or chum bait. check your recipe book for valid recipes.
Setting The Trap
For the trap to function correctly it must be placed in linden water with a 1.5 meter depth or more. Rez the fish trap on top of linden water. The fish will set its self up for you. If you want to move the trap just edit drag it to where you want and touch the trap, it will do the rest, or you can just re rez it in another position. (touching the trap will reset its position only)
Note: Sometimes the fish trap has a mind of its own and has been known to fling off the sim on rez, if this happens, you will need to use area search to find and rez it again. this is a known issue.