Chook Shed

The chook shed provides buckets of chook scrap and chooks every 4 to 6 hours, the chook scrap is used for creating composts and the chooks and eggs are used for cooking foods. Veggies or worms are required as a food source for your chook shed to operate or production is halted. Your chook shed will use 2 units of veggies per 24 hour period.

A icon will appear in your HUD when a product is ready to be collected. The chook shed should be set to a group so anyone on your group can collect the chook products, a visual float text will also appear on the chook shed with the products name when ready. eg: Chook ✔. There is a 1 in 5 chance to get a chook. Only the owner will see an icon appear on the HUD. Note that if you intend on sharing your chook shed with your group. anyone wanting to collect products will also be required to wear the Weeds HUD with a stoned level above 30%.

Chooks live for 20 days and have a 50/50 chance of rezzing a hen or a rooster, you must have a minimum of 1 rooster near your hens to give you eggs every 5 days, your chooks do not require food but need to drink from water cans or they will die from thirst. Chooks can be used for cooking and must be alive to cook.

Note: That the chooks have a small movement script built into them, if you need to move your chooks you must pick them up and re rez them. Do not edit move them or you will find them wandering back to the first position you rezzed them. Once rezzed the first time and picked up chooks will die in your inventory.

When collecting chook scrap from your chook shed, you will need to rez the buckets out on your parcel to rot / decompose for a further 2 days before it can be used to make composts.