The plants on this page can be grown to add flavour and provide harvests that can be uses as ingredients. All plants live for 90 days and can be harvested every 10 days, they require water and compost and will need fertilizing at regular intervals. If the plant is pollinated it will provide you with seed, if the plant is not pollinated the plant will provide you with a harvest that can be used as ingredients on weeds equipment. The seed from these plants can be planted in peat pots or propagators to germinate more seedlings.

Tobacco plants provide seed and tobacco bags that can be used at the Smoko Table to create smoking products, a flower will appear on the tobacco plant when its ready for harvest.
Veggies provide a food source for chook sheds and worm farms and have a much higher yield, veggies also can be used as ingredients for cooking foods using the Barbecue


Herbs are grown and can be added as flavour for foods cooked on the Barbecue and can also be ground down and used for creating beverages with the Grinder & Barista. Herbs can be also be used as a food source for chook sheds and worm farms.
The coffee plant gives harvests of coffee fruit that will take 1 day to dry when rezzed then can be roasted on the Barbecue, then freshly roasted coffee can be ground on the Grinder & Barista and turned into coffee beverages.