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Weeds Hud 5.0

G’Day Stoners, Welcome to HUD 5.0

The latest release of the Weeds HUD has some great new features, improvements and complete new look.

Functionality of the new HUD for the most part is the same as the old HUD’s with the exception of a new digit and coin system. now avatars can earn, trade and deal in Weed Coin.


To trade coins with other avatars, click coins on the HUD menu and click search to select an avatar within a 10 meter range, you can only send whole coin numbers between HUD’s. Once you have coins, they are also displayed in your my weed stats page link on the main HUD menu.

Coin Rewards:

You now will be rewarded coins for any purchase at the weeds store. coins collected can then be used to purchase selected items, special edition weeds and new products.

** Note: make sure you wear your weeds HUD at the store if you purchase weeds equipment or products, or you will miss out on coin rewards ***

Coin Sploder:

There is a coin sploder set up at the main store, this was used for testing the Beta HUD and is still active at the sim, the sploder is set to give a random avatar all the coins it has counted every 4 to 6 hours, so if you happen so be visiting at the time it goes off, all coins collected will be passed to your HUD, to be eligible always keep your stoned level above 30% when visiting the weeds sim .

Focus: Smoko Table

Hi everyone, on these series of posts, we are going to take a closer, in depth look at the Weeds Furniture and how they work! We will go through some basic how to, and of course, list all the outcomes with some basic descriptions around what everything does!

So, to start, in Weeds, to do *anything* you need to be at least 30% stoned. There are a few ways to do this, the most common is by using weed/tobacco products to raise your level. The Smoko Table is the piece of equipment you would need to make your own products!

So, you wanna make your own? You will need some ”raw” materials before you start – these are usually made from the by products of weed harvests, but some will also be found while gathering.

You decide you want to make a joint – GREAT! – Here is a worked example – mainly showing the process of how the table functions.

Firstly – we would want to double check the recipe book – as this tells us exactly what we need. More importantly it also tells us which ORDER you have to put the materials in.

Messing up the order will void the recipe and give you nothing, but will still use up your materials – so concentrate!

So, hard work done right? We need 1 portion of papers followed by 2 portions of mix.

The likelihood is we have neither of those if we are starting from scratch with the raw materials.. so we have to go back to the recipe book.. to show us how to make these ingredients.

So, Papers first. We need 1 portion of hemp. Hemp is the completed harvest from a male plant, after it has dried and matured (that process will take 4-5 days after you start drying).

Rez the hemp near the table, and click the table.

Click search and the table will look around its nearby area.

In this example, we just need the hemp, so click it.

We have all we need for the papers in this one – so we press cook, and the following should happen in your chat box.

Sorted! We now have papers. Now, we move onto the mix.

For this, the recipe says dried bud – in principle that means female harvests that have been dried in a bud dryer – to make a quantity of dried buds.

1 x Harvest = Dried Bud 5/5

2x = Fifty 10/10

3x = Quarter 15/15

4x = Half 25/25

5x = Oz 30/30

For any recipe that needs dried buds you MUST use identical buds each time it calls for it.. so all half or all Oz for hash – mixing them will make it an incorrect recipe.

To make the mix, do as above, click the table, search and check the recipe book. We need 1 bud – this can come from any of the options above.

Load one bud and cook! and you get some mix.

You can follow this process for anything in the recipe book.
Below is an example of a complex recipe – for a bong – notice how important the order becomes.

Now a table giving a description of what everything is/does.

Item Description
Processed dried bud – used for joints, splifs
Made from hemp, used for joints,splifs
Increases stoned level by about 49% over 20 minutes
Increases stoned level by about 27% over 20 minutes
Increases stoned level by about 49% over 20 minutes
Sticky substance made of buds and honey. Used to increase potency of smoking products
Increases stoned level by about 96% over 20 minutes
Increases stoned level by over 100% over 20 minutes
Pipe Box
A multi-pack of 3 pipes
Splif Box
A multi-pack of 3 splifs
Blunt Box
A multi-pack of 3 blunts
Joint Box
A multi-pack of 3 joints
Harvest (male) – Unprocessed
Harvest gained from 1 male plant – requires processing on a Leaf Dryer.
Bud Harvest (female) – Unprocessed
Harvest gained from 1 female plant (non-pollinated) – Requires processing on a bud dryer
Harvest (male) – Processing
Product made after drying on leaf dryer – requires time to mature into hemp.
Dried Buds (various sizes)
Product made after processing female bud harvest – how many buds dried affects which product given at end.