The Grim Reaper beta is a unique weed , It can be collected and breed just like other weeds, its sole purpose is for my latest scripts, new features, fixes and mods are added to this weed first. The strain is pure and can only breed with its own kind.
NOTE: The Grim Reaper contains experimental features and code, we appreciate any feedback you have on its development. The Reaper does use soil and requires care, fertilizer and your time. Grow this weed at your own risk as it may not always be stable.
Grim Reaper Version 6.2
The Grim Reaper has been updated and is now black, and will pass all the correct values such as potency, flavour and any sweeteners to the seeds and harvests, seeds will load these values into Propagator V2.2 and then to the weedlings. You must update your propagator to V2.2 to load the new seeds from the black Grim Reapers. They will not work in Propagator V2.1
NOTE: Any older seeds such as any that came from a green leaved Reapers will load into the new propagator and will pass you an old style Grim Reaper weedling. This weedling will give you the latest black leaved Reaper.
Potency & Sweeteners
I have added percentages to the terpenes now, The default or primary terpene on the Reaper is Myrcene 100%, when your weed drinks a sweetener, lets say its Caryophyllene, it is now added as a secondary terpene to the plant as a percentage. Myrcene 99%, Caryophyllene 1%
Once the secondary terpene is greater than the primary, they will switch Caryophyllene 51% Myrcene 49%, other sweeteners can then be added as a secondary again. this will completely change the flavour of the weed. The Reaper will drink from a sweetener bottle approximately every 2.5 days. Your Females will only drink sweeteners and bottles need to be placed within 3 meters from the plant.
Raising weedlings now requires you to rez your adult weeds when they are delivered next to the weedling it came from, potency and terpenes will now pass over to the adult weed on rez and the weedling will vanish.
The Reaper will now contain a potency level, Female Reapers start at 25% and caring and drinking sweeteners will raise the potency, similar to caring if the soil drops below 40%, the potency will start to come down. If the weeds thirst is above 110% your potency will also start to come down, health affects nothing for now.
If you would like a box of sweeteners to test, drop me an IM and I will pass you some.
Male weeds will not drink sweeteners and the potency will not move from 10%. males will now ignore bee hives and pollination will always say no on the weeds float text. caring does nothing for now as they only give a 1/1 male usable harvests, you will only ever need to keep one or two.
Harvesting The Reaper
Seeds only, bud harvests are disabled for now.
Bud Harvests & Seeds
Bud Harvests and Seeds have been updated, potency and terpenes added will be passed to bud baskets when harvesting your weeds. You will rez your buds baskets and seeds next to the weed it was harvested from and the potency and terpenes will be passed on to them. It will take you time to build up the potency and may take a few generations to achieve 100% with potency and flavours you have added.
Group Access
The Reaper now has group access and anyone who has group access to the weed can now harvest it, I have added another button on the menu, this is off by default, anyone who clicks on the weed will be presented with weed statistics only, breed, sex, age, potency and terpenes.
If you want to give your private group access to your weeds you can switch “Group On” your group members then have access to the menu for harvesting.
Terpenes, Flavour & Aroma
I have created a list of all the new Terpenes and Sweeteners and an example on how it works.
Note: Grim Reaper seeds can only be propagated in the new V2.2 propagators, peat pots are not supported for now.