The propagator is used to germinate seeds, this includes your weeds and all other plants. Your seed will take 5 days to germinate.
Usage: Rez your seed next to the propagator, click the seed and choose “Load” from the menu to start germination of the seed.
The propagators float text will change to the strain of the seed you are germinating. Version 2.x seeds will display both strain, potency and additional information on the menu. When the growth reaches 100% your weedling is ready to collect. Click get weedling on the menu and accept delivery.

Peat Pots function the same as propagators, the big difference is they are much quicker and will only take 1 day to germinate a seed, peat pots come in packs of 3 or bulk 10 packs and can only be used once per germination.
Propagator Version 2.x
The propagator has now been updated to version 2.x. I have changed the mesh model and you can germinate two seeds at once. The new propagator is less prims (6) and smaller in size. The propagator also has a new delivery system that may seem slower at times though has queueing built in.
The new propagator will support the older 1.x seeds as well as the new 2.x and 3.x seeds. These seeds will grow to weedling size in the propagator and inherit genetics of the seed such as generations, potency, leaf and bud colours, terpenes and sweeteners used. Weedlings delivered will need to be rezzed on the ground next to the propagator to pass over the genetics to the Weedling. (similar to activation 3 meter distance).
Read more on the new features and the Grim Reaper Beta Weed
Note: Do not pick up propagators or peat pots while they are working, they must stay rezzed in world to function correctly, if you have to pick them up for any reason, you will not loose the seed germinating, although they will restart the process again. so if you have to move sims or markets for example, wait until they reach 100% if possible.