The leaf dryer is used to hang and dry your male harvested weeds. You can load 3 male harvests on the dryer, when completed, the dryer will deliver a leaf buckets of leaf that will mature into hemp.
The poles can now be hidden on the leaf dryer, this must be done before anything is hung to dry. Choose poles on/off from the menu. This is a handy feature if you want to place your harvests all in a corner of a drying or growing room.
Harvest Hanger

The harvest hanger is an alternative space saving option, it is exactly the same as the leaf dryer but is intended for smaller grow areas.
USAGE: Rez your male harvest on the ground next to one of the dryers, click your harvest and choose load from the menu, the plant will be hung in one of the three drying areas, when it reaches 100% you can collect your bucket of leaf, rez the leaf bucket on the ground to mature, it will take 1 day and turn into a bucket of hemp to be used also with the Smoko Table.