The bud dryer is used to dry all your harvested bud before you can use them to create smoking products. Harvested bud needs to be dried and can be packed into weed bags at the same time.

You can load up to 5 harvested bud buckets into the dryer, the amount loaded will determine what product is delivered, with an additional bonus for bagging up larger quantities of weed. your bud will take 2 days to dry. anyone on the same group can load harvested bud into the dryer but only the owner can start the process and get delivery freshly dried buds or bags.

Usage: Rez you harvested bud buckets on the ground next to the bud dryer, click the bucket and choose load from the menu. Make sure you turn on your bud dryer first from the menu. When loaded the bucket will vanish and the bud is loaded into the dryer and the float text will change on the bud dryer to the amount loaded, its up to you on the amount you want to dry at one time. click start when done. when the float text reaches 100% your dried buds are ready to be collected. choose deliver and accept your product. You dried bud is ready to be made into smoking products using the Smoko table.
Example of weed bagging
1x = [Weeds] Died Bud 5/5
2x = [Weeds] Fifty 10/10
3x = [Weeds] Quarter 15/15
4x = [Weeds] Half 25/25
5x = [Weeds] Oz 30/30
Tip: you can use any size bag to create a mix
by loading 1x into the smoko table.
You can also use the bags now to make hash, tho you must use the same bag, example: 4x Oz, 1x Honey, 1x Hemp. If you use bags of different types, the recipe wont work.
See the Smoko Table for more information.