The Barista is used to create all your coffee and tea beverages. It also comes with a grinder to grind all your ingredients down before using them. To use the barista click on the main barista or the board it sits on, to use the grinder click on the grinder only.
Harvested fruit from coffee plants will need to be dried first, this process takes 1 day, then take your harvested coffee baskets over to the Barbecue and roast them off. You will be delivered freshly roasted coffee beans that will need to be grinded into coffee ground. After that process you can make all the coffee beverages, make sure you follow the weeds Recipe Book.
Other ingredients that can be ground, include herbs and the gold top mushroom, including the new black trumpet mushroom, that has a scent of chocolate . These can be used for flavour or making tea.
Special water is required for use with the barista, and you will need to make the new bottled water from your current water cans. These special water bottles will also work with your weeds and other plants and will also be refilled by water tanks and irrigation.
The grinding process will take 5 minutes to complete, the brewing process will take 3 minutes to complete.
Coffee power, The double shot and espresso are the most powerful coffee products, the other coffees and teas are weaker.