Your weeds health will slowly reduce over a period of time and require fertilizer approximately once a week, if their health goes below 70% and over 10 days old your weeds will produce no harvest. if your plants health is at very low for a long period of time it may require a stronger fertilizer like blood & bone to assist with its health quickly.
All fertilizers are created using the Weeds Soaker, consult the Weeds Recipe Book for ingredients needed to create valid recipes. Some fertilizers like blood & bone and organic fertilizers are used by the Weeds Composter, when mixed with soils they create different types of composts.
Standard Fertilizer, This is the simplest form of fertilizer, 1 dose of this will feed all your weeds or plants within a 10 meter radius, their health will increase to 100% over a 24 hour period.
Fish Emulsion can be obtained by collecting fish scrap from Weeds Fish Traps, fish emulsion is a stronger fertilizer that assists with plants health and thirst. If your new to weeds this is the best place to start if you want to create your own fertilizers.
Worm Juice can be made by collecting worm slop from Weeds Worm Farms, the worm slop when mixed with water is used to create worm juice, a more powerful fertilizer that will assist with soil conditioning.
Blood and Bone fertilizer is the most powerful and can be made with
the soaker by mixing fish emulsion and worm juice together with water. Blood and Bone fertilizer is also needed by the composter, when mixed will enrich the soil mix when making composts.
Organic Fertilizer is similar in strength to blood n bone for your weeds and plants, can be made at the soaker using veggies and worms, you can then use the fertilizer to create organic composts at the Weeds Composter.

Fertilizer Spikes
A 3 shot slow release fertilizer that feeds your weeds automatically every 5 days. place the spike in or nearby your pots or the middle of your crops and on the same group as your weeds (2 meter distance). Once the fertilizer spike has been rezzed for the first time, it starts to work, and shouldn’t be picked up.
USAGE: The best way to use the spikes is to pre-fertilize first, then drop a spike next to the plant, you will find at times of harvest your plants will be always at 100% in health, and when the spikes are empty and vanish, just replace them.
The super spike has the same range as the standard spike but has 2 more uses.
Fertilizer Tanks

Stores all your fertilizers, you can load in any type, once a bottle is loaded, you can only continue to load that type, if the tank is empty you can load any of the fertilizer types.
USAGE: Rez you fertilizers close to the tank, and choose load from the fertilizers menu. the tank will display what currently is loaded and how many is stored. any person on the same group can load and get the fertilizers from the tank.